September Newsletter


I held a round table this past weekend, on the proposed tax changes with my colleague MP John Brassard, the former President of the Markham Professional Firefighter’s Association. We heard from many angry business owners and professionals, there was standing room only.

The Prime Minister thinks small business owners are tax cheats, but we know that is not true. They are our hardworking neighbours, people who put everything they have into their businesses, work long hours, make sacrifices and take big risks so they can build up something of value. Small business owners do not get paid vacations, nor do they have health benefits. And they don’t get EI if things don’t work out.

I spent my life as a business owner and executive, that is why I feel so strongly about this issue. The Liberals are leading a total assault on the private sector in Canada. The provincial government is introducing a $15 minimum wage, a new carbon tax in concert with the federal government and energy prices are through the roof. The United States is bringing in the most significant tax and regulation cuts in a generation. Now with these tax changes Canada will not be able to compete in our global economy.

The House of Commons was back in session this month after a successful retreat in Winnipeg. The Conservative caucus continues to draw attention to the crippling effects the Liberal tax changes will have on the Canadian economy.

My team and I marched in the Markham Expo parade and I participated in multi-faith celebrations. I attended a prayer vigil hosted by His Eminence Cardinal Collins for Christians persecuted in the Middle-East by ISIS.

I hosted a town hall at the Old Unionville Library with special guest Unionville Councillor Don Hamilton. I heard from residents who are worried about the unintended consequences of marijuana legalization. They are worried about where the government’s planned pot shops will end up and how widely accessible the drug will now be. They believe opening new pot shops will not chase the criminal element out of the drug trade.

Thousands of people have lost their lives from opioid overdoses in the drug epidemic sweeping across our country. I introduced Bill C-338 to protect these lives and punish those who traffic these dangerous narcotics. Unfortunately, the Liberals are more concerned with giving drug addicts free needles rather than concentrating on rehabilitation. When the next Conservative government is elected we will re-introduce this legislation.

I spoke to members of Catch the Fire Church about the persecution of Yazidi refugees and called on the government to implement all the United Nations recommendations in its June 2016 report. This includes referring the crimes against the Yazidi survivors in the Sinjar Massacre to the International Criminal Court.

The Markham community celebrated the 26th anniversary of Armenian Independence at Ashton Meadows Park. There were wonderful instrumental and singing performances and a passionate poetic recitation.

I visited Xiaojing Yan’s exhibition “Out from among the tranquil woods” at the Varley Art Gallery for its opening. I highly recommend residents stop by to take in its beauty.

As always, should you require any kind of assistance please do not hesitate in reaching out to my office.

Bob Saroya, MP

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在刚过去的这个周末,我和前万锦专业消防员协会主席、现任国会议员John Brassard 共同主办了一场有关自由党税改的圆桌会。整场会议座无虚席,连后排也站满了人,很多专业人士和小业主从各角度表达了自己的不满。



我们联邦保守党在Winnipeg 成功举行了党团会议,本月国会已经复会。我们党团将继续努力让大家更清楚地了解,自由党的税改计划会对加拿大经济产生怎样的严重影响。


我也和Unionville 的市议员Don Hamilton 先生,在老於人村图书馆联袂举办了一场民众见面会。我听到很多居民都对大麻合法化可能带来的,难以预计的后果表示担忧。他们不知道政府将在哪里批准大麻店铺,也不知道这些大麻会在社会上如何地蔓延开来。但有一点他们是肯定的,那就是,这些大麻店的开张,丝毫无助于将犯罪势力逐出毒品交易。
由于在全国范围内蔓延的类鸦片危机,数千人已付出了生命的代价。我所推出的C-338 私人法案,旨在保护生命,严惩毒品犯罪。但很不幸,自由党政府更乐于向瘾君子们发放免费针头,而不是集中力量帮他们康复脱瘾,所以坚决不让我的这项法案通过。只要我们保守党下一届执政,我们一定会重新提起这项立法动议!

我也和Catch the Fire Church的成员交谈,并针对亚兹迪难民所受到的迫害,要求政府坚决执行2016年联合国的相关决议。其中包括把那些要对辛贾尔镇大屠杀的负责的犯罪分子,送上国际刑事法庭的审判台。

万锦社区在Ashton Meadows 公园举行了第26届亚美尼亚独立日。同时表演了精彩的器乐以及歌唱表演,还有诗歌朗诵。



Bob Saroya(蔡报国), MP(国会议员)