August Newsletter


Dear Residents,

Thank you to everyone who came out to my 2nd annual summer BBQ. What a resounding success! Over 2000 people came to meet Andrew Scheer, the Leader of the Official Opposition and to chat with me. Wismer Park was packed! It was definitely Markham’s BBQ of the year!

Residents told me what is important to them. I will be taking these issues to the House of Commons in the fall. Impending changes to Canada’s tax code that will hurt small businesses and professionals, marijuana legalization, terrorist Omar Khadr’s multi-million dollar payout, illegal border crossings and what NAFTA renegotiations could mean for Canada are top of mind.

I had the chance to attend the 10th anniversary celebrations of the Jesus the King Greek Melkite Church. I was inspired by the community’s resolve to rebuild after a fire earlier this year. India celebrated its 70th anniversary of independence. I took part in festivities locally and spoke to hundreds at Nathan Philip Square wishing Indo-Canadians a happy independence day!

The Liberal government is pushing through serious changes that will impact small business owners and professionals. The Liberals call this “tax fairness” – I call this a tax grab! These changes are anything but fair. The Liberals are making it harder for Canadians to find a family doctor and are creating longer wait times. These changes will discourage young Canadians from starting new businesses and will result in layoffs, fewer working hours and reduced benefits for those employed by small businesses. I am calling on the Liberal government to listen to Canadians and pull back from implementing these misguided changes.

The Trudeau Liberals continue to ignore the growing problem of illegal refugee claimants. More than half of Canadians believe the Liberal government does not have this situation under control according to a Global News Ipsos poll. Canadians are right; the RCMP has intercepted about 4000 people entering Canada into Quebec in the first two weeks of August alone. Over 6000 refugees have passed into Canada from the US. In addition to the flow of illegal migrants, multiple refugees have been found in possession of child pornography at an illegal Quebec border crossing. The Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness has confirmed charges have been laid as a result of criminal proceedings.

Conservatives believe in free trade and have negotiated the majority of Canada’s trade agreements. These agreements are vital in ensuring a strong Canadian economy since so many jobs are dependent on free trade. As talks begin to renegotiate NAFTA I hope to see the Liberals take this responsibility seriously and stand up for the interests of Canadian workers and businesses.

As always, should you require any kind of assistance please do not hesitate in reaching out to my office.

Bob Saroya, MP

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首先对大家来积极参与我今年的第二次社区BBQ烧烤会表达感谢,这次烧烤会举办得非常成功,由于我们联邦官方反对党党魁Andrew Scheer 先生的到来,本次活动吸引到了超过2千人参加,大家纷纷前来与党魁先生和我进行交谈,整个Wismer Park人潮涌动。这也许也是万锦今年最热闹的一场BBQ活动了!

居民们纷纷向我表达了他们重视的问题,我也会在国会9月复会之后,将大家的意见整理后带去国会。大家关心的重点集中在这几个方面:已是箭在弦上的联邦税务改革将会如何影响到小业主以及专业人士的利益,大麻合法化,向恐怖分子Omar Khadr支付千万巨款赔偿,非法入境问题以及“北美自由贸易协定”等等。

我也有幸受邀参加了the Jesus the King Greek Melkite教堂的10周年庆典活动。今年早些时候的一场火灾后,这个社区正在积极致力于重建工作,他们的努力让人印象深刻。而今年也适逢印度庆祝独立70周年,我也参加了本地举行的一些庆祝活动,并在多伦多市政厅广场致词,和全体印度裔加拿大人同庆独立日!

这届自由党政府推进的重大税务改革会损害到小业主和专业人士的利益。自由党将其称作“税务公平”- 而我则把它称作税务掠夺!这些改变根本毫无公平可言。他们这样做的结果,只能是让加拿大人更难找到家庭医生,并人为制造出更长的医疗等候时间。更会使得加拿大年轻一代创业的阻力变大,同时也会导致中小企业中发生更多的解聘、更少的工作时间以及更差的福利。我敦促自由党政府认真倾听加拿大人的心声,不要试图推进这些方向完全错误的政策调整。

杜鲁多的自由党持续忽视不断累积起来的非法入境及难民问题。根据Global News Ipsos民调显示,一半以上的加拿大人都认为自由党没能控制住这一局势的发展。人民是正确的:仅在八月初的这两个星期,皇家骑警就已截获了涌入魁北克的4000名非法入境者。这批非法入境潮本身已是个问题,还有更甚者,在一个针对非法魁北克越境者的搜查中还发现,好几人藏有儿童色情图片。联邦公共安全及紧急装备部部长已证实,对涉案者发起了刑事指控。



Bob Saroya (蔡报国), MP(国会议员)